As a real estate investor being unprepared can cause anxiety as well as kill any chances you have of closing deals with aggravated sellers.It's the equivalent of taking a test with no studying or practicing. You will either fail or lose unnecessarily.
Why go out in the world pursuing sellers if you are totally untrained? Make sure you study and know the essentials of real estate investing. Whether that knows how to fill out a simple purchase and sales agreement, executing a lease option agreement, forming a land trust for asset protection or knowing how to use and protect yourself with a CYA agreement in the event that the seller claims that they didn't fully understand what they were agreeing to is very crucial.
A thorough real estate investing education should be an important component of your arsenal if you plan on succeeding as a real estate investor. It has been often said and rightly so "if you think education is expensive try ignorance. In Real Estate Investing making mistakes because of you not having a proper real estate investing education will cost you ten's of thousands of dollars.