Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Florida Real Estate Tips.

The Real estate market Florida is offering foreign buyers presents a doubly good opportunity rarely seen in the region, Prices are flat or declining and foreign currencies are rising relative to the U.S dollar in the current conditions are especially attractive to investors who have seen prices rise sharply in the native countries to levels now well exceed comparable properties in Florida buying a bargain is not that simple in real estate agents must guide foreign buyers a complex maze of visas and real estate regulations and currency rules.

A Prospective buyers need to be educated to avoid mistakes that will cause them to be turned away at U.S Customs or the bank and foreign buyers need to know that the U.S government takes a different view of a real estate transaction when a foreign individual or corporation is involved for a structuring the deal in even before viewing residential or commercial properties, a real estate agent should help the buyer structure the purchase in tax experts advise that because of estate tax and other issues, a foreign buyer should hold the property in the name of a corporate entity.

And Depending on the value of the property, the title holder could be an offshore company it could also be a Florida LLC that’s owned by an offshore company in any case, the companies should be set up well before settling on a home or a building so as not to impede the closing due to corporate paperwork in the biggest possible mistake: Buying in an individual’s name.

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